May 21, 2018

Today's been a really cold day. When I woke up, the temperature was around 46 degrees, which is pretty cold. I had to wear a long sleeved shirt, a hoodie and a jacket to school. My biggest mistake was not wearing gloves, I could feel my hands freezing. It's hard to write and do things when your hands are freezing.

The kids were annoying today, but not as annoying as other days. They were doing the usual: making animal noises and talking very, very loudly. They also did a new thing today! During class, they set their phones to play low frequency noises. Y'know, the ones they use with dogs and that gives people headaches. It wasn't unbearable, I'm quite accostumed to constant loud noises, but it was for some people.

I also played my first DnD session with my friends today. We started in a pub, and I lost 15 coins in a stupid, stupid cards game. Sad. We’re gonna be playing every single weekday at recess. It’s so much fun!

Also, as you can see, I've finished setting up my site for now. Alan has been really helpful in putting everything together for me, and teaching me how to add new entries and things like that. If you're reading this, Alan, thank you!

Me, my boyfriend and some friends are also setting up a Medieval/Modern RP, which is something almost completely new to me. From what I've heard and seen, It's gonna be very interesting. I'm looking forward.

Anyways, this has been my first entry on the Journal. Cya.